Welcome to the VerEx blog

Posted August 2, 2006 by Joe Strout
Categories: General

This is the first post in the corporate blog of Verified Express, LLC, affectionately known as VerEx. It’s also the first blog entry written by yours truly, Joe Strout, founder of VerEx. So please be patient if I do something silly.

Some may say that starting a VerEx blog is a bit premature, given that we aren’t yet selling a product, and in fact we’ve been fairly cagey (in public forums at least) about exactly what it is that VerEx hopes to do. But it’s really not that long before we release — we’re aiming for the end of 2006 or early 2007. And this is something we’ll want to have in place by then, so that customers (and curious onlookers) will always have a place to go for the latest VerEx news.

Why don’t we host this on our own site, you ask? Well, we certainly considered that. But accidents (or malicious attacks) can happen even to the most well-prepared site, as demonstrated by the poor folks at Dreamhost. It’s even possible that this could happen to verex.com, despite all our best efforts to prevent it. If verex.com did ever go down, then a blog there wouldn’t be accessible to all those users who suddenly have a keen interest in knowing what’s going on.

So, for now at least, here we are at WordPress. You should always be able to find the latest VerEx news here, or if we decide to move elsewhere, our last posting here will point you in the right direction.

We’re entering an exciting time — one of the most important, yet most broken, aspects of modern internet life is about to be fixed. I hope you’ll join us on the journey.